NextGen Checking Perks

Our NextGen Checking Account is custom-made for members ages 18 thru 24.
It comes with all of the things that make banking convenient.

Deposits are Federally Insured

Deposits are federally insured to at least $250,000 per individual vesting (and another $250,000 for IRAs) by the NCUA.

5-Star Financial Strength Rating

We’ve maintained a perfect record of positive earnings since 1937 and hold a 5-Star rating for financial strength from Bauer Financial.

Members Earn More

As a not-for-profit credit union, Logix returns its profits to members in the form of better rates, lower fees, improved services, and increased reserves.

Superior Customer Service

Enjoy exceptional customer service in-person or online. Our helpful team is here to support you along the way.
The Best of the Best
  • Logix is ranked in the 99th percentile for member value among credit unions nationally.
  • Logix is the highest-scored credit union in California.
  • Logix charges 18.8% fewer fees than the credit union average.
Logix World Rewards Credit Card Contactless
Tap to Pay

Enjoy the simplicity of Tap to Pay! Tap your card, smartphone, or smartwatch on the payment terminal, and you’re all set—no swiping or inserting needed. It’s a fast, secure, and hassle-free way to pay. For smart device payments, you will need to set up your digital wallets.

Set Up Digital Wallets
See how your financial health measures up with a fast and fun financial quiz.
Create an Account in 3 Easy Steps
Select an
account to open
in your details
deposit amount
Ready to boost your funds?

Apply now in minutes with our simple application process.

Logix Platinum Credit Card Legacy Logix World Rewards Credit Card Bot
I want a new
credit card.
Logix cards come loaded with great perks. Get some of the best rates in the industry, plus no fees for cash advances - ever! You'll love how much you save.
Logix World Rewards Mastercard Credit Card
I want to increase
my credit limit.
Boost your funds with a card limit increase! Get additional funds for everyday expenses or more buying power for a larger spend.

Need help?

Get in touch with us today. We'll help you every step of the way.

BauerFinancial Financial Strength Star Ratings based on 09/30/23 financial data (the most current available). Criteria used to determine the BauerFinancial Star-Rating includes capital ratio, profitability/loss trend, the level of delinquent loans, charge-offs and repossessed assets, the market versus book value of the investment portfolio, regulatory supervisory agreements, historical data, liquidity, and other factors.

Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.