10 Year No Cost Mortgage
If you're still paying a high rate on your mortgage, we know a good shrink. Introducing our 10 Year Fixed Rate Mortgage with no closing costs!*
It's simple, smooth and pre-shrunk.
- Own your home free and clear in just 10 years
- Low, fixed rate
- and no closing costs
Here is another reason why you will love our service:
- Satisfaction Guarantee - we'll do it right or pay you $500**
- 25 Day Closing Guarantee for purchases++
Click here to check current rates.
Logix mortgage loans are available in the following states: AZ, CA, DC, ME, MD, MA NH, NV, and VA.
Additional Resources
* "No closing costs" means that Logix will pay various costs relating to your loan origination and settlement, such as application, credit report, lender's title insurance, and appraisal fees. Costs such as per diem interest, interest, taxes, owners title, and hazard, homeowner's and private mortgage insurance, are not included and are the responsibility of the borrower. As a condition of the "No Cost" loan, if you pay off your loan within the first 36 months you will be required to reimburse Logix for those costs it paid in connection with the origination and settlement of the loan.
** $500 Satisfaction Guarantee. We’ll do it right or we’ll credit $500 to your savings account. Satisfaction Guarantee applies to 1st trust deed mortgage loans and must be requested within 30 days of loan funding. Not available on FHA/VA Loans offered in partnership with TruHome.
++ Logix 25-Day Loan Closing Guarantee. For 1st mortgage, purchases only, Logix guarantees to close your loan in 25 calendar days unless prohibited by Federal regulation, and provided Logix has received your (1) completed loan application; (2) all requested documents, (3) you have electronically consented @ Logixmortgage.com online mortgage loan application portal at the time of application through loan closing to receive all loan documents and disclosures electronically (Upon request, paper copies available at no additional charge.), and (4) all pre-conditions have been satisfied at least 5 calendar days prior to the scheduled closing date. If all required conditions are met and your loan fails to close on time due to a delay by Logix, you will receive a credit towards closing costs up to $2,000 at loan closing. Logix 25-Day Loan Closing Guarantee may not be combined with other offers, including our $500 Satisfaction Guarantee. Not available on "no cost" loans. Not available on FHA/VA Loans offered in partnership with TruHome.

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